When asked what Americana music was, my flippant answer was “Country music that doesn’t suck.” I later gave a more detailed one which described an Americana artist to be one who writes their own songs, plays an instrument and sings without Auto-Tune. In other words, there’s much more to the package than just wearing a hat and warbling on stage.
Ross Cooper is one new Americana artist who I find satisfying on all three counts: writing, playing and singing. And if there’s justice in Music City, his upcoming record “I Rode the Wild Horses” will surely get him the notice he deserves. About wearing that hat, Cooper has every right to do so. For as the haunting title track of his record reveals, Ross was once a rodeo cowboy back in his native Texas.
While the Lubbock native’s bio comes with an enticing RIYL (“recommended if you like”), I was also equally impressed with his RBHL (“recommended because he likes”) that you will read below. My thanks to Ross Cooper for introducing me to his music and subjecting himself to my 11 Questions.
Where are you from originally, when did you move to Nashville and why?
I’m from Lubbock, TX originally. I moved to Nashville a little more than five years ago. I moved here because this town is the music mecca. I started finding out more and more about this phenomenal music scene that was happening under the radar. I had a bit of an epiphany when I realized all of the bands I was digging happened to live in East Nashville. It’s a really special time to be here.