Matthew Check’s attraction to the rootsy, honest pop/folk/introspective rock of the mid-late ‘70s takes hold on his forthcoming record, Without a Throne (out 9/30). The resulting hybrid of that sound—with his authentic vocals, somewhere between Jakob Dylan and the Waterboys’ Mike Scott—dominates and energizes the album’s approach.
Glide Magazine premieres Coma Girls’ newest single “Aquariums”
On September 2nd, Coma Girls—the creative project of Chris Spino—will release No Umbrella For Star Flower, a twelve-track collection of maximalist, shoegaze-influenced folk/rock that finds Spino laying bare his struggles with addiction, love, depression, and more without ever coming across as alienating or self-centered. READ MORE…
Northern Transmissions premieres ELPENTHE’s new single “Forbidden,” featuring vocalist Josh Dean
ELPENTHE AKA: Elliott Beenk releases his new EP, ELPENTHE I, a five track collection of electronic and R&B-inspired bedroom-pop grounded in a love of connection mixed by Kevin Smith (Harry Styles, Phoebe Bridgers, Frank Ocean) and mastered by engineer Stuart Hawkes (Lorde, Charli XCX, Amy Winehouse). Today, the multi-artist has shared the album highlight “Forbidden.” READ MORE…
Beats Per Minute praises SeepeopleS’ new single/video “Lots of People”
For well over 20 years now, musician and SeepeopleS bandleader Will Bradford has kept his eye fixed firmly on the future, obsessing over what’s to come and what we can hope to leave for future generations. READ MORE…
Whitney Lockert talks QOTSA with L.A. Weekly for Best Gig I Ever Saw column…
They played in the evening on the second stage, not the larger main stage where I would see them play the next year. By the time of QOTSA’s set, I’d already been seeing bands play all day and it was time to eat. I remember grabbing some kind of food and sitting down near the edge of the area where the crowd was gathered to see them. As we ate and watched the band play, the sun was setting in the mountains behind them, the perfect setting for their thundering desert rock. I gradually realized that I was watching one of the best rock bands I’d ever seen.
Buzzbands LA features Coma Girls’ recent singles “Keep All Of Your Happiness” and “Knife”
Atlanta native Chris Spino does battle with a three-headed monster — addiction, love and depression — on his new album as Coma Girls. And if merely illuminating those travails is a triumph (and it probably is), “No Umbrella for Star Flower” will warrant a celebration. READ MORE…