If you’ve driven past the intersection of Parker and Woodland streets in near-south Austin, you’ve seen the origin point of this propulsive indie-rock trio, whose members all lived nearby when they started jamming together. READ MORE…
Client Press
Coma Girls talk Elliott Smith for LA Weekly’s “My Favorite Album”
I remember the first time that I heard Elliott Smith. One of my first childhood girlfriends had burned me a couple cds and one of them was Elliott Smith’s, Figure 8. READ MORE…
KUTX features Parker Woodland on Austin Music Minute
The musical love fest continues with Love Austin Music Month. KUTX, partnering with the City of Austin Music and Entertainment Division and the Austin Music Foundation, steps up to represent Austin music, which includes the Austin Music Minute spotlighting virtual performances by local artists. READ MORE…
Glide Magazine reviews Juana Everett’s new LP, Move On
Juana Everett’s first full length, Move On, is a mostly great take on folk rock, infusing the genre with piano and soulful vocals for an inspired update. The two strongest tracks on the record also happen to bookend it, with the upbeat, seemingly autobiographical “Drifter of Love” kicking off the collection: The record closes on the sublime piano ballad, “Little Tragedies”. READ MORE…
More Than a Cowgirl gets deep with Laura Rabell about her cancer battle, perseverance, inspiration and her upcoming video for “The Mirror”
Laura Rabell is no stranger to taking risks: she and her husband left bank jobs in Charlotte, NC to pursue her dream of becoming a full-time songwriter in Nashville. On the day Rabell finished mixing her debut album, Immortal, she received her breast cancer diagnosis. Rabell spoke with More Than a Cowgirl about her romance with country music, her fascination with what she calls femme noir, and the production of her music video “The Mirror,” a song originally about building self-esteem that has come to be a chapter in Rabell’s cancer treatment. The video, as we discuss below, documents many of the wigs and outfits Rabell performed in while she was receiving chemotherapy.
Austin, TX ghoul-pop band Stretch Panic shares new single at Under the Radar Magazine
If you’re looking for a mid-winter shot of vampires, ghosts, and witches, Austin TX-based “ghoul pop” band Stretch Panic has you covered. Inspired by Halloween-horror kitsch the trio formed around the concept of a project sung by ghost-girl characters. READ MORE…