The gorgeous ‘Forever’ by Karen Jonas is an unselfconscious, open-hearted song of love and tenderness. Beginning with rhythmic picking, which gently urges us on throughout, the song features an excellent Dobro performance from multi-instrumentalist Jay Starling, whose notes slip and slide around Jonas’s voice beautifully. Meanwhile, Seth Morrissey’s upright bass is woozy and warm, giving a real fullness to the overall sound. Jonas’s words and vocal performance are intimate and captivating; almost spoken at times, hushed and sweetly melodic, it feels as if she’s singing to the listener personally.
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Glide Magazine reviews Whitney Walker’s new LP, A Dog Staring Into a Mirror on the Floor
Paste Magazine has the Exclusive First Listen: Whitney Walker’s new LP, A Dog Staring Into a Mirror on the Floor

Whitney Walker, a singer/songwriter out of Portland, Maine, knows a thing or two about darkness—and hopes that singing about his own can offer a bit of light. His new album, A Dog Staring Into a Mirror on the Floor, reflects that in its name.
Listen to an exclusive preview of A Dog Staring Into a Mirror on the Floor at Paste Magazine.
Glide Magazine debuts Karen Jonas’ new LP, The Restless, noting, “For every Nikki Lane and Margo Price, there is a Courtney Marie Andrews – one who soars beneath bigger headlines yet has a songbook that rivals that of those selling out theaters.”
For every Nikki Lane and Margo Price, there is a Courtney Marie Andrews- one who soars beneath the bigger headlines yet has a songbook that rivals that of those selling out theaters. Throw Karen Jonas into the latter category where her angelic vocals and mix of gritty Americana and brass pop will rear her into one of many artistic categories.
Americana UK premieres new Whitney Walker video for “Love Keeps no Record of Wrongs”

“There’s a deep sense of sadness at the heart of ‘Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs’… it’s somber and reflective but it’s ultimately a song about trying to forgive and move forward… a full and melancholy sound, but particular praise goes to Dana Colley, whose bass clarinet really helps to give ‘Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs’ its identity.”
The Big Takeover debuts new Whitney Walker’s song “Love Keeps no Record of Wrongs”

Portland, Maine indie-noir singer-songwriter Whitney Walker’s new single “Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs” carries a dark folk-rock melancholy weight. It’s a direct quote from the priest at his cousin’s wedding while Walker was dealing with the pain of an unfaithful fiancée. “Nobody would accuse me of being perfect except god,” sings Walker over Crooked Fingers style fingerpicked guitar and Colley’s somber bass clarinet.
“I don’t believe in God,” says Walker, “but I believe something’s out there. This is a divine intervention song. I’ve been far from perfect. I’ve been emotionally unavailable to people, and it took me a long time to figure that out.”