“I was 21 years old, never did drugs in my life. I’d confiscated a bag of weed from my bride at our wedding reception and was freaking out about it. I didn’t want to throw it away, as it was potentially worth hundreds of dollars … I didn’t know how much it cost. At the reception, she was telling people she didn’t know why she married me as she drank two bottles of wine and smoked a joint. About two miles down the road, en route to the honeymoon she asked me to pull over. She vomited gracefully through the open door and gave me the go-ahead to resume driving. The weed and wine then worked their combined magic. I got another mile down the road and she gave a much more urgent signal and I pulled over just in time for her to fall out of the car and vomit and shit all over the place. She spent about 30 minutes urgently voiding everything from her system with her eyes rolling back and getting vomit and mud on the veil she was still wearing. It was lightly raining and I was in a hurry to get to the beach, so I tried to lift her back into the car only for her to unleash the most horrific scream. You’d think I’d stabbed her, and apparently the nearest neighbor thought the same. Their outside light turned on in the distance and I set the lady back down in the grass.
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Adobe and Teardrops reviews Caleb Caudle’s Carolina Ghost
Carolina Ghost feels like a nice progression, sonically and emotionally, for Caudle. His beautiful Paint Another Layer on My Heart shows Caudle at his most vulnerable, wondering if he can truly open up to a new love. Surrounded by a confident backing band, Caudle reassures us, himself, and his lover that he’s glad he tried. Caudle’s carefully rendered lyrics make his relationship seem like the romance of the century. Caudle’s not maudlin — not by any stretch — but it’s obvious that he’s found someone who complements him in the way that he complements them. Maybe I’ve become the Hugh Grant character in my romantic comedy, but I’ll consider myself lucky if anyone feels the same way about me as Caudle does about the person he’s addressing. Carolina Ghost is not an album to sleep on.
Baby Robot Media is a music publicity and media service agency with employees in Los Angeles, Memphis, Atlanta & New York and represent musicians from all over the world. We specialize in promotional ( PR ) campaigns for albums, singles and videos, tour press, radio, music video production, music marketing, social media campaigns, Spotify campaigns and creating promotional content. Our mission is to help great unknown bands reach a wider audience and to help already successful artists manage their brand identity and continue to thrive. Our music publicists have over 50 years of combined experience in the music industry. We are known as one of the best in the business.
Exclaim! rates Caleb Caudle’s Carolina Ghost an 8 out of 10
Before recording his third record, Winston-Salem native Caleb Caudle moved home from New Orleans, kicked the bottle and hunkered down to study early Randy Travis and 1980s-era Merle Haggard. All three influences colour Carolina Ghost, Caudle’s exceptional (and sure to be his breakthrough) new album. Already a blinking light on the radar screens of most fans of non-mainstream country music, Caudle is poised to find new and wider audiences with this tightly constructed collection of laid-back songs. READ MORE…
Baby Robot Media is a music publicity and media service agency with employees in Los Angeles, Memphis, Atlanta & New York and represent musicians from all over the world. We specialize in promotional ( PR ) campaigns for albums, singles and videos, tour press, radio, music video production, music marketing, social media campaigns, Spotify campaigns and creating promotional content. Our mission is to help great unknown bands reach a wider audience and to help already successful artists manage their brand identity and continue to thrive. Our music publicists have over 50 years of combined experience in the music industry. We are known as one of the best in the business.
Former Spin editor Charles Aaron interviews Caleb Caudle for The Bitter Southerner
“Why do you think it hasn’t happened yet?”
Caleb Caudle is shifting his boots in the gravel of a parking lot outside a factory-chic coffee shop in a refurbished warehouse on the edge of downtown Winston-Salem, N.C. The aspiring, country-tinged songwriter will release his seventh album, “Carolina Ghost,” at the end of this week, and he’s visibly anxious about the future. We’ve spent the last hour talking about the shady hustle that a young artist has to endure to get recognized beyond a handful of zip codes. READ MORE…
Baby Robot Media is a music publicity and media service agency with employees in Los Angeles, Memphis, Atlanta & New York and represent musicians from all over the world. We specialize in promotional ( PR ) campaigns for albums, singles and videos, tour press, radio, music video production, music marketing, social media campaigns, Spotify campaigns and creating promotional content. Our mission is to help great unknown bands reach a wider audience and to help already successful artists manage their brand identity and continue to thrive. Our music publicists have over 50 years of combined experience in the music industry. We are known as one of the best in the business.
Koncept & J57 release new video “Crazy Is Beautiful” featuring Nevaeh at VEVO
Check out Koncept & J57’s video for “Crazy Is Beautiful” here…
Baby Robot Media is a music publicity and media service agency with employees in Los Angeles, Memphis, Atlanta & New York and represent musicians from all over the world. We specialize in promotional ( PR ) campaigns for albums, singles and videos, tour press, radio, music video production, music marketing, social media campaigns, Spotify campaigns and creating promotional content. Our mission is to help great unknown bands reach a wider audience and to help already successful artists manage their brand identity and continue to thrive. Our music publicists have over 50 years of combined experience in the music industry. We are known as one of the best in the business.
Twang Nation debuts Caleb Caudle’s “The Reddest Rose”
“The Reddest Rose” is a dobro-dusted cut that has Caudle’s country heroes’ influences branded all over it. A little Gram Parsons melancholy, a shade Merle Haggard roughness with an ear for melody reminiscent of Lyle Lovett.
There’s a river I see that runs beside me, and I long to feel it’s water start to cool. Seems like what I run to the quickest, only leaves me blue.” Caudle sings in his road weary baritone in a away you know there’s truth in it. READ MORE…
Baby Robot Media is a music publicity and media service agency with employees in Los Angeles, Memphis, Atlanta & New York and represent musicians from all over the world. We specialize in promotional ( PR ) campaigns for albums, singles and videos, tour press, radio, music video production, music marketing, social media campaigns, Spotify campaigns and creating promotional content. Our mission is to help great unknown bands reach a wider audience and to help already successful artists manage their brand identity and continue to thrive. Our music publicists have over 50 years of combined experience in the music industry. We are known as one of the best in the business.