Equal parts Hamilton Leithauser’s theatrical yowl, Patrick Stickles’ growl, and mid-career Tom Petty’s bar-band tunefulness, Wallace has created an album indebted to his musical loves, but with a unique narrative style entirely his own.
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Boston indie/synth-rock artist Carissa Johnson talks new album Blue Hour with Audiofemme
A week before the pandemic forced sweeping lockdowns in the states, singer-songwriter Carissa Johnson moved to Los Angeles to reset. Little did she know her life would be completely upended. “I was out of my world and not feeling the same inspiration,” she admits. Deflated and lost, Johnson spent her days driving aimlessly around the glistening cityscape, once brimming with hope and promise, and found herself unexpectedly inspired to write. READ MORE…
Kiely Connell’s new single “Nobody’s Business But Mine” featured at York Calling
Kiely produces pretty country songs that also contain elements of Americana, folk and the blues, making for a nice variety of sounds. This track largely leans towards the country side of her musical style, with the track being a slow burner. READ MORE…
Kiely Connell’s new album “Calumet Queen” featured at Holler
Unless you’re from around Hammond, Indiana in the States, it’s likely singer/songwriter Kiely Connell’s name is unfamiliar. As if to acknowledge that, she provides a capsule of her life and personality in the opening title track of this stunning debut. READ MORE…
Carissa Johnson chats with WBUR news about her new album “Blue Hour”
In early March of last year, Carissa Johnson packed up her guitar and her gear and flew cross country from Boston to Los Angeles. The singer-songwriter had some success on the East Coast, with albums both under her name and the group name of Carissa Johnson and the Cure-Alls. READ MORE…
Matthew Check’s The November Album is out NOW… Head over to The Bluegrass Situation to hear a fresh cut from the album, “Lovely to Have Met You.”
Artist: Matthew Check
Hometown: New York, New York
Song: “Lovely to have met you”
Album: The November Album
Release Date: November 5, 2021