Mega Ran has released a new song called “Recess”. The song features JER and Stacked Like Pancakes. It is off Buddy’s Magic Toy Box which will be out on September 15.
Mega Ran has released a new song called “Recess”. The song features JER and Stacked Like Pancakes. It is off Buddy’s Magic Toy Box which will be out on September 15.
Today, we are pleased to debut the new track by Stuffy Shmitt. On “Jim’s Dad,” Stuffy channels Lou Reed, Tom Waits, and even a little Mountain Goats and crafts a track that is easy going… and extremely dark.
Speaking to Punknews, Stuffy said: “I used to hang out at a bar called Drake’s Drum in Manhattan. I played rock and roll a lot. I drank a lot. I had a friend called Lory Lazarus who didn’t drink at all, looked like Harpo Marx and wrote musical comedies—I hate musical comedies. He wore orange a lot—I hate orange. One of his musicals, The Reunion of Sam, had a scene where a couch gave birth to many little foam-rubber couches. The song was called “I Vouch For A Couch”—that will give you an idea of where we’re going here. Lory wanted to write songs with me. I didn’t wanna write songs with Lory. He kept hounding me. So finally I made a deal with him. We’d go around the corner to my fifth floor walk-up and write songs. If it took over twenty minutes to write one, he would have to go to Drake’s Drum with me and buy me drinks ’til 4 a.m. As a result, we wrote something like 15 songs in under 20 minutes. They were ridiculous but really catchy. We laughed for 19 minutes straight and the session was over.
Today, Punknews is pleased to debut the new video by Beechwood!
Built around a cold wave of shimmering guitars and wails, “This Time Around” pulls from the sinister aesthetic of first wave goth and the mid-70s nihilism of Bowie and Lou Reed in equal measures. Fittingly, images of war and chaos are layered on top of these nasty vibes, suggesting that the terror of the past may very well be right around the corner.
Speaking to Punknews, the band’s Gordon Lawrence said, “There is a certain driving force or intensity in “This Time Around” that (in my mind) is met with images of conquering armies, cities burning, a sort of Wagnerian Götterdämmerung. We even recorded ourselves in combat boots marching in place on a tiled floor to enhance the effect in the song. It’s claustrophobic, paranoid, destructive, but also– in a way it’s therapeutic. There is a certain freedom in the knowledge that any day it can all be over. The use of historical/pop-culture references illustrates this sense of impending doom. I have no doubt that humanity will one day do itself in for good, and what more damning evidence does one need than our own recent history?”
The band’s new album is out now and you can check out the band here.. Meanwhile, see the new video below. READ MORE…
Baby Robot Media is a music publicity and media service agency with employees in Los Angeles, Memphis, Atlanta & New York and represent musicians from all over the world. We specialize in promotional ( PR ) campaigns for albums, singles and videos, tour press, radio, music video production, music marketing, social media campaigns, Spotify campaigns and creating promotional content. Our mission is to help great unknown bands reach a wider audience and to help already successful artists manage their brand identity and continue to thrive. Our music publicists have over 50 years of combined experience in the music industry. We are known as one of the best in the business.
Much like Warren Zevon and Tom Waits before him, Rainey is the kind of guy that likes singing songs about bad guys from the bad guy’s perspective. And also like those two troubadours, Rainey enjoys saluting classic music genres as much as he enjoys sending them up. He does just that on “Mulholland Square,” as he pivots between cabaret, jazz, and big band music all while singing about copping drugs and sneaking into people’s houses. READ MORE…
Baby Robot Media is a music publicity and media service agency with employees in Los Angeles, Memphis, Atlanta & New York and represent musicians from all over the world. We specialize in promotional ( PR ) campaigns for albums, singles and videos, tour press, radio, music video production, music marketing, social media campaigns, Spotify campaigns and creating promotional content. Our mission is to help great unknown bands reach a wider audience and to help already successful artists manage their brand identity and continue to thrive. Our music publicists have over 50 years of combined experience in the music industry. We are known as one of the best in the business.
Today, Punknews is pleased to debut the new song by North By North.
“Silver Tooth and Shadowplay” is a merging of fringe cultures. Rooted in mid-60s garage rock, the band swings forward like the Sonics. But then, they take the acid-bend of the 60s rockers and cloak the whole thing in a bit of blackness, adding some straight up goth keyboards and cobwebs to the tunes. Remember that Hanna Barbara cartoon that had a guy that drag raced in hearse? This is the soundtrack to that. READ MORE…
Baby Robot Media is a music publicity and media service agency with employees in Los Angeles, Memphis, Atlanta & New York and represent musicians from all over the world. We specialize in promotional ( PR ) campaigns for albums, singles and videos, tour press, radio, music video production, music marketing, social media campaigns, Spotify campaigns and creating promotional content. Our mission is to help great unknown bands reach a wider audience and to help already successful artists manage their brand identity and continue to thrive. Our music publicists have over 50 years of combined experience in the music industry. We are known as one of the best in the business.