Sounds Like: A deeper, raspier-voiced Ryan Adams interpreting the riffs from the Rolling Stones’ “Tumblin’ Dice,” with plenty of warm, heartland sheen
For Fans of: Tom Petty, Jared Deck, John Moreland’s Big Bad Luv
Why You Should Pay Attention: If the name Thorp Jenson sounds silly, that’s because it kind of is: the nom de plume for Virginia’s Chris Ryan, it came to be after his bandmates started calling him “Thorp” to make a play on his particularly Ron Burgandy mustache. The name and the facial hair stuck, as did Ryan’s love of classic Southern-focused rock & roll that, if released these days, would be – let’s face it – dubbed Americana. A staple on the Richmond, Virginia, scene, Ryan made the rounds in bands, weddings and anywhere he could exercise his guitar skills, until deciding to buckle down and make an album.
Baby Robot Media is a music publicity and media service agency with employees in Los Angeles, Memphis, Atlanta & New York and represent musicians from all over the world. We specialize in promotional ( PR ) campaigns for albums, singles and videos, tour press, radio, music video production, music marketing, social media campaigns, Spotify campaigns and creating promotional content. Our mission is to help great unknown bands reach a wider audience and to help already successful artists manage their brand identity and continue to thrive. Our music publicists have over 50 years of combined experience in the music industry. We are known as one of the best in the business.